Five Goodwills Continue YouthBuild Programs with $1.8 Million DOL Grants

July 20, 2010, GoodwillTODAY
Five Goodwills Continue YouthBuild Programs with $1.8 Million DOL Grants

goodwillToday1Five Goodwill® agencies will continue to help out-of-school youth in their communities build strong futures, thanks to the latest round of grants from the U.S. Department of Labor. Funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the grants — totaling $66.7 million — provide second-year support for existing YouthBuild programs in 183 communities.

The YouthBuild program assists out-of-school youth in obtaining their diplomas or GEDs while providing occupational training in the construction industry. Participants include individuals who have been part of the juvenile justice system, youth aging out of foster care, high school dropouts and others.

Goodwills took home a collective $1.8 million in funds. Winning agencies include:

  • Goodwill Industries of Northern New England (Portland, ME): $412,118
  • Goodwill of the Southern Alleghenies (Johnstown, PA): $288,154
  • Goodwill Industries Serving Eastern Nebraska and Southwest Iowa (Omaha): $299,509
  • Goodwill Industries Wall Street Mission (Sioux City, IA): $412,500
  • Tacoma Goodwill Industries (WA): $412, 500
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