Prescreening Potential Employees

Goodwill, through the PA CareerLink Cambria County, is available to assist employers in their search to match qualified employees to current job openings. Goodwill will thoroughly review résumés posted on the PA CareerLink website by job seekers and match résumés to actual job descriptions. Results for employers include a selection of job candidates who have already passed the initial step of prequalification and are ready to be interviewed by the employer.

And at the employer’s request, Goodwill will also conduct the interviews at the PA CareerLink. Staff is available for continued communication during this prescreening process to respond to change requests in job opening criteria and to schedule interviews. Services are made possible under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).

Online Shopping at Goodwill

Through the Shopgoodwill online auction site, you can experience a fun and exciting way to shop for specialty items such as one-of-a-kinds, collectibles, antiques, estate pieces, jewelry, nostalgic items, and more!

At Goodwill of the Southern Alleghenies, we know that our donors value their donations to Goodwill and want us to get the maximum value possible to support our mission. Listing these items on Shopgoodwill allows us to generate more revenue because these items go to the highest bidders who know the values of the items.

Donors can be sure that the revenue generated from the sale of their donated items on will support job training and employment services for people in their community – just as it does through purchases made in our 10 Goodwill Retail Stores.