Workforce Development- Employment Services


Employment and Training Services

PA CareerLink®, Cambria County

Goodwill provides services at the CareerLink®, Cambria County to help adults update their skills to pursue postsecondary education, better prepare for specific employment opportunities, or study for the GED Exam. Adults can take classes at their own pace. The CareerLink®, Cambria County is located at 248 Main St, Johnstown, PA 15901. For more information, or to make an appointment, contact Sarah Helman at (814) 534-2500 or

Services are provided at the following locations of the PA CareerLink® Southern Alleghenies:

  • PA CareerLink® Cambria County, 248 Main St #100, Johnstown, PA 15901
  • PA CareerLink® Blair County, 3001 Fairway Drive, Altoona, PA 16602
  • PA CareerLink® Bedford County, 1 Corporate Drive, Suite 103, Bedford, PA 15522

PA CareerLink® Southern Alleghenies is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Language assistance services available at no cost. Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) programs are funded with federal dollars. For detailed information see

Adults and Dislocated Workers

Adult Employment and Training Services

Goodwill, through the PA CareerLink® Cambria County, assists individuals in reaching their employment goals by offering basic and individualized career services.

Basic services include enrollment onto the Job Gateway website, use of computer and Internet for job-search purposes, access to labor market information, attendance at job fairs and workshops, and many other self-directed services. For individualized career services, a Career Planner conducts a preliminary assessment of the job seeker’s skills, interests, and job goals, and then develops a plan with the job seeker to achieve those goals. Individualized services may include résumé writing, mock interviewing, various assessment tools, one-on-one career counseling and job-search assistance, on-the-job training opportunities, and classroom training.

Services are made possible through the U.S. Department of Labor Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA). PA CareerLink® Cambria County is located at 248 Main St #100, Johnstown, PA 15901. 

For more information, contact Sarah Helman at PA CareerLink®, Cambria County at (814) 288-7936 or or visit

Services at the Goodwill Career Center in Moxham

Goodwill provides walk-in services on Mondays through Fridays from 9:00AM–4:00PM at the Goodwill Career Center located at its administrative office building at 540 Central Avenue in the Moxham section of Johnstown. Goodwill staff are available to assist individuals who want to improve their reading and math skills, work toward their GEDs or diplomas, obtain basic computer training, create or update their resumes, explore careers, apply for jobs, and ultimately be successful in finding and retaining employment. For more information, call (814) 536-3536, ext. 296. A partnership of Goodwill of the Southern Alleghenies, and PA CareerLink® Cambria County.

Adult Basic Education and GED Preparation

Goodwill provides services in Cambria County to help adults update their skills to pursue post secondary education, better prepare for specific employment opportunities, or prepare for the GED Exam. Classes are held at the Goodwill Headquarters in Moxham, the Cambria County Library in downtown Johnstown, and at the Young Peoples Community Center in Ebensburg. For more information or to make an appointment, contact Diane Schlosser (814) 410-9524 or


Visiting the PA CareerLink® in Cambria County, Blair County, and Bedford County is a great way for youth to explore employment support available from federal- and state-funded programs. Goodwill operates the Title I Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) services at the PA CareerLink® in these counties.

The PA CareerLink® has programs designed to help youth reach their career and educational goals.

Services for youth ages 14–24 include:

  • Career and postsecondary school exploration and transition activities
  • Paid and unpaid work experiences — with both academic and occupational education components
  • Occupational skills training, focusing on industry-recognized postsecondary credentials and in-demand occupations for our region
  • Leadership development activities that encourage responsibility, employability, and other prosocial behaviors as well as decision-making skills, determining priorities, life skills, work behavior training, budgeting resources, and keeping informed of community affairs and events
  • Financial literacy education
  • Entrepreneurial skills training
  • Internships and pre-apprenticeship programs
  • Follow-up services for at least 12 months after program completion

Youth with Disabilities

Youth with disabilities who are ages 16–24 and are not attending school are eligible for out-of-school services. Youth with disabilities who are up to the age of 24 are eligible for in-school services if they meet low-income guidelines or other eligibility criteria and are enrolled in secondary or postsecondary school of any kind within the last school calendar quarter. It is very likely that youth with disabilities will meet the low-income guidelines for in-school youth because income for youth with disabilities is determined based only on the youth’s income, not his/her family’s income.

Any youth with a disability who is eligible for government cash assistance programs, such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI), is automatically eligible for WIOA youth services.

Up to 5 percent of participants in local WIOA youth programs do not have to meet the low- income guidelines.

More choices are now available at the PA CareerLink® than in the past for people with disabilities. Individuals who need more than the basic services that are offered by the CareerLink® may also apply for vocational rehabilitation services at the same location.

A visit to the CareerLink® also makes for a great career exploration activity for youth for an Individual Education Plan (IEP), or a possible resource for a youth self-advocate who is looking for adult employment support options.

For more information, please contact the following:

PA CareerLink®: Sarah Helman at (814) 288-7936 or

Click here to visit the PA CareerLink Cambria County Facebook Page.

Click here to visit the PA CareerLink Blair County Facebook Page.

Click here to visit the PA CareerLink Bedford County Facebook Page.


Goodwill helps individuals to confidently pursue employment “dressed for success” through PA WORKWEAR—a program of the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services. Through PA WORKWEAR, Goodwill provides the proper clothing job seekers need for job training, interviews, and their first days at their new jobs. Services are provided in Bedford, Blair, Cambria, Huntingdon, Indiana, and Somerset counties by appointment where individuals meet with their own personal clothing consultant who recommends the appropriate clothing, shoes, and accessories. This program replaces the clothing stipend previously issued by the County Assistance Offices. For more information, contact (814) 248-9576 or


Not sure where to start or what program would be the best fit, complete this contact form and we will get in touch as soon as we can.

Online Shopping at Goodwill

Through the Shopgoodwill online auction site, you can experience a fun and exciting way to shop for specialty items such as one-of-a-kinds, collectibles, antiques, estate pieces, jewelry, nostalgic items, and more!

At Goodwill of the Southern Alleghenies, we know that our donors value their donations to Goodwill and want us to get the maximum value possible to support our mission. Listing these items on Shopgoodwill allows us to generate more revenue because these items go to the highest bidders who know the values of the items.

Donors can be sure that the revenue generated from the sale of their donated items on will support job training and employment services for people in their community – just as it does through purchases made in our 10 Goodwill Retail Stores.