First National Bank Supports Goodwill Through EITC
January 28, 2016, Press ReleaseJOHNSTOWN, PA, January 28, 2016—Goodwill of the Southern Alleghenies has received a $4,600 charitable contribution from First National Bank through the Pennsylvania Department of Economic Development’s (DCED’s) Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) Program. Goodwill is a state-approved Educational Improvement Organization under the program, qualifying the agency to receive contributions from businesses that want to reduce their state tax liability.

Ann Torledsky, Goodwill’s Vice-President of Workforce Development; Bradley R. Burger, Goodwill’s President & CEO; Anna M. Wilson, FNB’s Branch Manager II; and Madonna Miller, FNB’s Market Manager and Senior Vice-President
Goodwill will apply First National Bank’s generous contribution to support Innovative Educational Programs designed to help prepare youth for the workforce through a variety of career services including career exploration, career development, and employability skills training.
If your July 2015 Business Application has been approved by the DCED, and you received your conditional approval letter in December, the DCED will be informing businesses the week of January 29 that they can act on those letters and make their contributions to an approved organization. Please consider a contribution to Goodwill.
To reduce your business state tax liability through a contribution to Goodwill, contact Ann Torledsky, Vice-President of Workforce Development at (814) 536-3536, ext. 230 or
Goodwill Industries of the Conemaugh Valley (GICV), Inc. is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization established in 1962 to empower individuals and families with employment barriers to achieve their fullest potential in the community through work services. Headquartered in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, GICV serves individuals with disabilities and disadvantages, dislocated workers, youth, and other job seekers throughout south central Pennsylvania in the counties of Bedford, Blair, Cambria, Huntingdon, Indiana, Somerset and a portion of Westmoreland by providing education and career services as well as job placement and postemployment supports. GICV is a community-based member organization of Goodwill Industries International, a 179-member network in the U.S., Canada, and 13 other countries. Learn more at