The Capitol Connection Visits Johnstown to Film Goodwill Industries’ YouthBuild Johnstown Program
April 7, 2010, News ArticleThe Capitol Connection video segment with reporter Howard Ondick includes Senator John N. Wozniak, (D) Cambria, Clearfield, Clinton, Centre, and Somerset counties; Phyllis Bandstra, President & CEO, Goodwill of the Southern Alleghenies; Mindy Rickabaugh, Program Manager, YouthBuild Johnstown; Larry Custer, Executive Director, Cambria County Redevelopment Authority; Krys Pretlor, current YouthBuild Johnstown student; and Rashon Hiller, former YouthBuild Johnstown student.
The Capitol Connection is a telecommunications service of The George Mason University Instructional Foundation, a nonprofit corporation organized to support the educational and community outreach missions of George Mason University. The Capitol Connection is located in Fairfax, Virginia.