Trades Job Fair March 9 at CareerLink
February 24, 2016, Press ReleaseJOHNSTOWN, PA, February 24, 2016—Job seekers in Cambria and Somerset counties who are interested in the construction, roofing, paving, and landscaping trades are invited to the free Trades Job Fair on Wednesday, March 9 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Pennsylvania CareerLink Cambria County, 445 Schoolhouse Road in Richland Township. The job fair is a collaborative effort of Goodwill of the Southern Alleghenies and Pennsylvania CareerLink Cambria County.
The event will feature businesses, academic organizations, and social service organizations that are offering positions and information relevant to training in these trades and seasonal positions. No RSVP is necessary and the event is open to the public.
This trades job fair is one of a series of year-long industry-specific job fairs that will be offered quarterly by the Pennsylvania CareerLink as a free resource for job seekers in the community.
Each attendee is asked to bring multiple copies of a current résumé. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request for individuals with disabilities.
Goodwill holds the Title I Workforce Development Activities contract for the U.S. Department of Labor-funded Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, made possible through the Southern Alleghenies Workforce Investment Board, the region’s leader and active partner in workforce development efforts.
Through this contract, Goodwill provides comprehensive job training and employment services at the PA CareerLink, Cambria County to connect employers and job seekers through a One-Stop Approach. This approach provides job seekers with information at a single neighborhood location at the Greater Johnstown Career and Technology Center (former Greater Johnstown Vo-Tech) at 445 Schoolhouse Road, Johnstown, Pennsylvania in Richland Township.
For more information, or to receive this announcement in a different format, contact the CareerLink at (814) 533-2493 or TTY (814) 535-6698.
Goodwill Industries of the Conemaugh Valley (GICV), Inc. is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization established in 1962 to empower individuals and families with employment barriers to achieve their fullest potential in the community through work services. Headquartered in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, GICV serves individuals with disabilities and disadvantages, dislocated workers, youth, and other job seekers throughout south central Pennsylvania in the counties of Bedford, Blair, Cambria, Huntingdon, Indiana, Somerset and a portion of Westmoreland by providing education and career services as well as job placement and postemployment supports. GICV is a community-based member organization of Goodwill Industries International, a 179-member network in the U.S., Canada, and 13 other countries. Learn more at