On-the-Job Training

Goodwill, through the PA CareerLink Cambria County, Bedford County, and Blair County offers employers the On-the-Job Training Program to provide potential employees with an opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills they need to obtain long-term meaningful employment. Benefits to employers include reduced cost of wages by up to 50% during training; reduced advertising and recruitment costs; the ability to make all hiring and termination decisions; quick referral process; minimum paperwork; and the option of a single job placement of a number of employees for one type of job or variety of jobs.

Employers will be determined to be eligible under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).

PA Career Link Cambria County is located at 248 Main Street Suite 100, Johnstown, PA 15901

PA Career Link Bedford County is located at 1 Corporate Dr, Bedford, PA 15522

PA Career Link Blair County is located at 3001 Fairway Dr, Altoona, PA 16602


Online Shopping at Goodwill

Through the Shopgoodwill online auction site, you can experience a fun and exciting way to shop for specialty items such as one-of-a-kinds, collectibles, antiques, estate pieces, jewelry, nostalgic items, and more!

At Goodwill of the Southern Alleghenies, we know that our donors value their donations to Goodwill and want us to get the maximum value possible to support our mission. Listing these items on Shopgoodwill allows us to generate more revenue because these items go to the highest bidders who know the values of the items.

Donors can be sure that the revenue generated from the sale of their donated items on Shopgoodwill.com will support job training and employment services for people in their community – just as it does through purchases made in our 10 Goodwill Retail Stores.